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Are you using leads from the sample service?
How do you rate this element in your company?

Explanation: Finalization of leads from the sample service with partner outlets, which increases sales effectiveness. Someone who orders a sample wants to buy the final product.


Would you classify leads from a sample service?
How do you rate this element in your company?

Explanation: An important stage that begins when you order a sample, so you know who needs the product, when it needs it, why it needs it, for what type of facility it needs it.


Is the sample ordering process simple and intuitive?
How do you rate this element in your company?

Explanation: Pay attention to whether you clearly communicate the possibility of ordering a sample on the website, in social media, email marketing, etc.


Does the delivery time of samples exceed a maximum of 72 hours?
How do you rate this element in your company?

Explanation: Please note that if the shipment does not arrive within 72 hours from the time of order, the chance of sale decreases by 40%. Delivery speed is of great importance.


Do you provide potential customers with full tracking information for a shipment of samples?
How do you rate this element in your company?

Explanation: An important factor in full tracking is confirmation of the order being sent and the stage at which the sample is. Already at this stage we build trust with the potential client.


Do you keep the right amount of individual samples in stock?
How do you rate this element in your company?

Explanation: When designing an effective sample service, we develop an appropriate inventory of samples based on the Pareto principle, so that no potential sales will be missed.


Do you make it easier for a potential customer to choose a product through real support using tools?
How do you rate this element in your company?

Explanation: Pay attention to whether you use AR technology, the most important customer information on stickers, whether you use QR codes, whether you answer customer FAQs, whether you help by redirecting to blog posts, etc.


Are you making a good first impression with personalized packaging?
How do you rate this element in your company?

Explanation: You can only make a good first impression once. It is best to use personalized packaging that does not contain foil. This says a lot about your final product.


Have you thought about size of samples?
How do you rate this element in your company?

Explanation: An effective sample size is one that reduces waste from sample preparation and one that is able to showcase the product idea without having to ship full-value products.


Do you have effective Call To Action placed on samples?
How do you rate this element in your company?

Explanation: Think about what your goal is when the customer receives the sample. Effective CTA comes in many forms and depends on the type of recipient.


Does the appearance of the samples reflect 100% of the final product?
How do you rate this element in your company?

Explanation: Reflecting the same quality and appearance on samples is the basis for increasing your chances of selling. Horrible post-production waste will not go away.


Do you analyze activities through sample service?
How do you rate this element in your company?

Explanation: This is very valuable information that allows you to build marketing campaigns and understand the most interesting aspects of your products. It all starts with a sample.


Do you have an external sample service through specialized fulfillment?
How do you rate this element in your company?

Explanation: This way you save time and space, and also reduce activities in many departments in your company.

Leave your company email address and we will check your sample service according to sample4me guidelines and we will be able to arrange a meeting at which:
  • We will compare our observations
  • We will discuss important elements for improvement
  • You will find out whether our services can help you use the sample service effectively
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